This page is dedicated to over the counter drugs and their interactions- what drugs to avoid taking with others.



Drug: Antacid- to treat heartburn. 

Interaction warning: Don't take without your doctor's permission if you have kidney disease

Drug: antihistamine- to treat allergies and colds 

Interaction warning: Don't use if you take a prescription medication for high blood pressure or depression.  Don't take with alcohol, sedatives or tranquilizers.  Don't take unless you're under a doctor's supervision if you have heart disease, thyroid disease, asthma or difficulty breathing.

Drug: dextromethorphan- to treat coughs and colds. 

Interaction warning: Don't take without your doctor's permission if you take a momomine oxidase inhibitor.

Drug: Salicylate- to treat pain. 

Interaction warning: Don't use if you take a prescription blood thinner or if you have diabetes, gout or arthritis

Drug: nasal degongestant- to treat colds and congestion. 

Interaction warning: Don't take without your doctor's permission if you take a prescription drug for high blood pressure, or if you have heart disease, thyroid disease, diabetes or an enlarged prostate.

Drug: Laxative- to treat constipation. 

Interaction warning: Don't take if you have abdominal pain, feel nauseous or are vomiting

Drug: Sleep aid- to treat insomnia. 

Interaction warning: Don't take without your doctor's permission if you take sedatives or tranquilizers, or if you suffer from asthma, glaucoma, chronic pulmonary, disease or shortness of breath.  Avoid alcoholic beverages.